Saturday was so busy that we didn't get an opportunity to post an update. On Friday night, Lilly shared her testimony with thousands at the Gospel meetings. Emmanuel translated for her. God used her story to touch the lives of many.
These are people who've come forward at the end of the meeting to either trust Christ for salvation or respond to God in another way. We have the privilege of praying with many of them after the meeting is dismissed.
Here are all the VBS participants. They are in front of a girls' dorm that was funded by South Park Church several years ago.
These boys are praying during VBS. The attention span of children and adults far surpasses anything we might see in the West.
The highlight of the trip for many of us so far was the baptism. We traveled outside of Repalle about 15 minutes to the Krishna River. Water Buffalo were crossing nearby. About 50 people were baptized--many were teens. Those who have a Hindu name are given a Christian name at their baptism.
Suzanne shared her testimony on Saturday night... the largest meeting of the week. God also used her story in a way that connected with many in the crowd.
This morning's church service was lively... and long... about 4 hours. It included singing, testimonies, introduction of our team, preaching, Bibles for those baptized, and communion.
We're enjoying a day with less activity. We'll be travelling to some surrounding villages in the days ahead, and we'll share more as we're able.
Please continue to keep us in prayer. Pray for health for team members, open doors for the gospel, and love for one another.
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