God's leading will take the SPC team (Pastor Eric Flood, Peggy Boysen, Lilly Staar and Suzanne Hein) to the I.R.E.F. Christian ministry and orphanage, located in the rural mountaineous areas of southern India. From January 28 - February 11, 2012, SPC will be joining several pastors, doctors and helpers from the United States, Scotland and United Kingdom to help further God's kingdom in India, by providing annual checkups to 5,000 at the orphanage and setting up medical clinics in area villages, and so much more.. This blog is a diary of our 2 week trip.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gospel Meetings

All the teams have been making tremendous progress. The clinic has been doing vision, dental, and skin care screenings. A few hundred teeth have been pulled. Many glasses have been fitted. And many cases of scabies have been treated. And the work team has completed painting of the boys' dining hall.

The Gospel Meetings began last night. A few thousand people gathered in the field behind the college campus. The whole team was introduced and brought onto stage.

The girls choir sang several selections.

After three sermons, an altar call was given. We had the opportunity to pray with several people after that.

VBS got underway this morning. Peggy, Lilly, and Suzanne worked with a group of translators to teach Bible stories, songs, and games. 

The Gospel meetings will continue to draw more people each night. We'll share more tomorrow about the amazing way they are fed and cared for while here. 

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